“Dr. Stephani is an excellent naturopathic doctor. I would highly recommend her for both adults and children. She is very knowledgeable, caring, and extremely responsive. My daughters and I have been very thankful and impressed with the care we have received. She has helped us through determining and addressing food sensitivities, figuring out alternative diets, gut rebuilding, and everyday sicknesses. Dr. Stephani is always willing to answer any questions and helps me understand the causes of my symptoms and how the treatments address them. She is also good at working with traditional western medicine doctors when the need arises. She has become essentially our primary care physician, and I highly recommend her.

“I went to see Dr. Stephani several years ago to see if there was anything to be done to help me cope with autoimmune disease symptoms including chronic fatigue, sleep, and bowel issues. She identified many areas I needed to work on including cortisol imbalance, candida, food allergies/sensitivities, and more. Dr. Stephani devised a plan including nutrition, exercise, and supplements that made a positive difference in how I felt. I now am armed with knowledge about how to help myself where traditional medicine cannot. Dr. Stephani is very compassionate, intelligent, and a good advocate for your health.”

“I was trying to cope with chronic fatigue and depression. Conventional doctors offered me anti-depressants but I wanted to fix the problem, not disguise it, so I consulted with Dr. Stephani. After working with Dr. Stephani, both the fatigue and depression were resolved and as a bonus I lost more than 20 pounds. Now my whole family is healthier because of what I learned from Dr. Stephani.”

“I have suffered from what I consider chronic sinus headaches for several years. Even though I may not feel “sick”, my sinuses stay congested and cause moderate to severe headaches several times per week. After Dr. Stephani’s nasal treatment, I was surprised at how long I felt good! After my first treatment I was immediately breathing deeper, and went at least 3-4 days without a headache. For me this was amazing! I am so grateful that she can provide such simple, natural alternatives for dealing with a variety of health issues!”

“In February of 2008, I ended up in the emergency room with chest pains. After 4 hours, an EKG, blood tests and few questions, I was told they thought it was acid reflux. I was sent home with a prescription and was told I’d have to take the medication the rest of my life. I wasn’t excited about the findings and even questioned the diagnosis. My husband recommended that I speak with a naturopathic doctor before investing in drugs the rest of my life.
After meeting with Dr. Stephani, and showing her my test results from the emergency room visit, she challenged me to a test to see if it was really acid reflux. After conducting the test I was not surprised to find out it was not acid reflux at all, in fact it was an absence of stomach acid along with the stress of losing my father that was weighing on me. Since then, Dr. Stephani has been working with me to reduce stress and anxiety in my life. Today I feel grateful to her for steering me and guiding me in a much gentler direction and tackling what was really causing my symptoms in the first place. With her help we were able to address my health in a more guided and natural approach. As a result, I feel happier and healthier today.”

“I just have to take a moment to thank you for how much you have helped me in general the past few years; and more specifically for the women’s crampbark compound. I was skeptical, but I can hardly believe how effectively it is working. No need for pain meds, no missed work, and I even feel good enough to workout still. I am kind of in shock and sad I didn’t discover this earlier! Again, thank you immensely – I don’t know what I will do not having to completely check out from life 2 – 4 days every month!”

“I attended Dr. Stephani’s detox class last year and was amazed to learn how I can reverse some of my health issues. No traditional doctor has ever told me this! I quickly made my first appointment and have been working the program she created for me. It’s now a year later and I feel a lot better, I have more energy and feel like myself again. It’s also good to know that I’m taking pro-active steps to stay healthy so I can enjoy my 50’s and beyond without popping pills! Thanks, Dr. Stephani.”

“Dr. Stephani was able to identify a problem with my thyroid and other hormonal medical symptoms related to birth control pills when medical doctors could not and only wanted to put me on antidepressants. When I first started working with Dr. Stephani, I was on an emotional rollercoaster due to my medical symptoms and the lack of support from medical doctors. She was patient, kind, and compassionate as she helped me become the healthy person I am today. I always felt like we were in it together. Now, I work with her on staying healthy, and she’s helped me identify food sensitivities and intolerances, vitamins for optimal health, and a variety of other issues that pop up. I want all my loved ones to be patients of Dr. Stephani and have referred many friends and even my mom.”

“Dr. Stephani has been a strong, stable and empowering force in my nutritional and emotional health. Her knowledge and ability, plus “working within your financial ability” makes for a wonderful doctor and nutritional consultant.”

“I began seeing Dr. Stephani after many years of intestinal pain, esophageal spasms, achy limbs, and acid reflux. I had been diagnosed for these issues separately with prescriptions for each. By the way, I am also a type-2 diabetic.
I found Dr. Stephani who was highly recommended by another doctor and began seeing her. After tests, she determined that I needed to be gluten and diary free, in addition to avoiding other foods that were causing a physical reaction. She considered all my ailments together. I was a bit reluctant to believe that diet and some necessary supplements could help.
Well, within several weeks, I was amazed: I lost 17 pounds, my intestinal pain and esophageal spasms disappeared, and my achiness and acid reflux were dramatically reduced. I have since been able to decrease my diabetic medicine to half of what I was taking. Even my family physician remarked after an annual physical, “Whatever you are doing, keep doing it!” Thank you Dr. Stephani!”

“I came to Dr. Stephani on the recommendation of a friend who had greatly benefited from her services. My friend had changed so much so, that I simply had to find out how he looked better than he had looked in years, and seemed to have the energy of someone many years younger. I made my appointment to see Dr. Stephani, hoping that she could help me as well.
My friend is a 55 year old man, and I am a 50 year old woman, so our issues were not identical by any means. I was experiencing typical menopausal symptoms; hot flashes, bloating and a lack of energy that was affecting my daily life. After 4 weeks on a program recommended by Dr. Stephani, not only did I lose 10 pounds, but my skin began to glow, I had energy that I had not experienced in years and my menopausal hot flashes vanished. I am a much happier person. I really value what Dr. Stephani has taught me about nutrition and how to listen to what my body is telling me.
Word of mouth is the best form of advertising, and it works. I have recommended Dr. Stephani to my friends, and they too have found relief for different issues affecting their lives. I felt so much better being able to affect change in a natural way, rather than trying to fix a problem with medication or hormones that could be expensive and lead to additional side effects. I hope that you consider doing your body good… contact Dr. Stephani to find out how to lead a happier, healthier life, in a natural way.”

“I went to Dr. Stephani almost 3 years ago for anxiety, depression, adrenal fatigue and hormonal issues. A few years ago I started having panic attacks and was depressed. I went to my general practitioner for help and was prescribed various anti-depressant/anti-anxiety medications and told “these things just happen to women in their 40’s”. Not feeling any better, I went in search of what the real issues were. In my search I found Dr. Stephani.
I met with Dr. Stephani who did a variety of testing which uncovered my hormonal, thyroid, adrenal, neurotransmitter and nutrient imbalances. Dr. Stephani recommended various supplements for my issues and continued to test on a regular basis. I now feel the best I have in many years and have learned that a natural holistic approach is the best way to go. Dr. Stephani’s approach to test and find the actual issues has helped me tremendously!”

“When the doctors told my daughter there was nothing they could do to help her recover from her recent diagnosis of mono, we called Dr. Stephani. It was such a relief when she had a list of suggestions. She was wonderful in giving us options and helping us narrow down the best treatment plan. Dr. Stephani also presented the ideas in an easy to understand format so my daughter could be independent in following the treatment plan. Dr. Stephani is always available to explain and answer questions. The best part: my daughter started feeling better!! Thanks Dr. Stephani!”

“After a small scare at my annual physical, Dr. Stephani was able to give me a treatment plan that made me feel in charge of my health. She is extremely knowledgeable and is an excellent source of information. In addition, she has a great bedside manner and takes the time to really understand her patients and their needs. I feel so lucky to have her on my health care team and would recommend her to anyone looking to improve their health.”

“I was struggling with symptoms of menopause, sleeping poorly, struggling mentally, suffering from hot flashes and some mild depression. Dr. Waldron-Trapp has methodically checked blood work and provided supplements to help manage all of these symptoms. She has also helped me manage my family heart risks. I am grateful for her caring and passionate bedside manner and the pure, trustworthy supplements!”

“I visited Dr. Stephani after I had had my annual physical with my primary medical doctor. I had symptoms that my primary medical doctor had no answers for after a few blood tests. I have never been on any medication at age 72 and I didn’t want to start medications which would only mask the symptoms.
I completed a questionnaire, submitted all my blood work results, and had a consultation with Dr. Stephani. My symptoms were swollen ankles, swollen knees, weak feeling legs, nausea particularly in the morning, some constipation, a dry cough and a tremor in my right hand. All things I could live with but wondered what was causing them. My first step after our consultation was to go gluten free and take a supplement to help my liver. I am 7 months out and I am not even tempted to touch gluten because all my swelling is gone, nausea is gone, constipation gone. I feel so much better.
Dr Stephani then recommended I do some blood work to test and see what vitamins, minerals and nutrients my body was lacking because I had gone off all supplements. Now she has me taking only the things my cells need, in hopes to help the tremor, for 6 months to build my cells back up and then I will just be on maintenance.”

“I have worked with Dr. Stephani over the past seven years after having my gallbladder out. I made a decision to work with her, as she genuinely cares and has guided me on a healthier healing journey. I have overcome many different issues, and I am grateful that she has been my teacher along the way.”

“I saw Dr. Stephani and she recommended a detoxification program for me. Overall the diet was a game changer for me. I always thought that I lived an ‘exceptionally’ healthy lifestyle including food, exercise, etc. After reflecting on what I went through, I was in desperate need of this diet. My knees feel like they did in my 20s, my persistent side ache is gone, my weight lifting is excellent in terms of stamina and overall strength, and I sleep better.”

“I was plagued with repetitive tunes inside my head (also referred to as ear worms) for quite a few years. It got to the point where the tunes would wake me up at night and I was losing sleep. Listening to music was out of the question and I had to mute all commercials on TV. It was exasperating! I asked Dr. Waldron-Trapp if she knew of any remedy, because she usually has a great remedy for just about anything, and she said she wanted me to get a nutrient panel done. Easy enough! Well, the test results showed I was deficient in some of the B vitamins. She suggested taking these B’s and I did. NO MORE EAR WORMS!!!!”

“With a diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) in my late 30’s I started seeing Dr. Waldron-Trapp to supplement conventional care. Dr. Stephani Waldron-Trapp was professional, knowledgeable, and thorough in our initial consultations, very adept at summarizing the “big picture”, and bringing it down to earth with simple, holistic recommendations to help counter the negative effects of T1D.
She has been patient, friendly, consistent, accommodating and extremely helpful in all the years I’ve known her, which are starting to add up. She has proven to be an invaluable resource as I age, not just with the T1D. She has made it to the top of the list as my primary support pillar in my battle against Diabetes and in my efforts to live a long and healthy life. It’s not uncommon to get a call or e-mail regarding news and/or new discoveries starting out with “Did you hear…”, or “This was just released…” so I know she’s always thinking of her patients.
Her help has also rolled over to my family in the form of supplemental care with my wife’s cancer treatment and unbelievable results with behavioral issues with tween & teen girls. Dr. Stephani Waldron-Trapp is a top notch naturopathic doctor. I recommend her wholeheartedly. I don’t know what I’d do without her.”

“I had developed many irritating and debilitating symptoms. An ENT misdiagnosed me with Meniere’s disease, a dermatologist told me to get checked for diabetes which I did not have. Later, after seeing many practitioners, I was very sick, discouraged, and only praying for guidance and healing. I believe God led me to Dr. Stephani who was able to diagnose me with encapsulated candida (the kind that does not show up on tests). With her teaching and encouragement, I was able to embark on a three month supplement regimen and a nine month strict diet. The results: CURED!”

“After feeling too tired to exercise and cope with everyday life Dr. Stephani helped me find the right combination of vitamins and educated me on better food choices to help me feel good again. I’m back to my workouts and feel like myself again with lots of energy, working and able to take care of my family and myself.
Thank you Dr. Stephani!”