Natural Healthcare For The Whole Family


Listening to YOUR Story


Treating the Root Cause of Illness


Reversing & Preventing Chronic Disease


Start Your Journey to Achieve Optimal Health


Feel Your Best!

Welcome to Natural Family Medicine

All too often, traditional medicine does not offer the right solutions to resolve underlying causes of health conditions. That is where naturopathic medicine comes in. Given the proper tools and strategy, the body has the ability to heal itself.

Take control of your health today. Learn more by sending me an email or by calling me at 612-250-2804. We will schedule your first consultation and, together, we will create a plan that will lead you down the path to optimal health.

My name is Dr. Stephani Waldron-Trapp, and I am a naturopathic doctor. I am trained as a primary care doctor and am a registered naturopathic doctor here in Minnesota. My medical training provides me with the ability to treat you as a whole—not just your symptoms. Among my many services, I can perform a physical exam, order labs and prescribe high-quality supplements that will help you attain a healthier, happier lifestyle.

I have a passion for educating people on ways to achieve optimal health and feel their best. I have compiled several health related  blog posts that I hope are very helpful to you! We are hoping to resume our WellnesSeries classes soon to dive into deeper discussions on health related topics. For updates on health topics, events and weekly blog posts, like me on Facebook!

Get Healthy

I have compiled a list of useful resources that can help you take ahold of your health for a happier future. Check out useful websites and books, read my blog or even try out a new recipe.

Access the Patient Portal

We use a secure patient portal for you to easily access your health related information, complete pre-appointment questionnaires and consent forms, and communicate with Dr. Stephani.

Place an Order

I offer high-quality supplements to my existing patients at a discount. Order your supplements today. Take something often? Consider ordering in bulk to receive an additional discount!