Naturopathy Blog

Do You Ever Wonder If You Are At Risk For Heart Disease? - Natural Family Medicine

Written by Stephani Waldron-Trapp, N.D. | Jul 5, 2015 1:23:53 AM

There are several health related issues that increase the risk for heart disease. Reducing modifiable risk factors through prevention or working actively to reverse them is essential for cardiovascular health. If you’ve ever wondered what these risk factors are, well… read on for a list that you might find interesting and consider coming to this month’s WellnesSeries class on heart health.

Cardiovascular disease risk factors

  • Physical inactivity
  • Obesity
  • Elevated Blood Pressure
  • High cholesterol (elevated levels of small dense LDL particles)
  • Low HDL cholesterol
  • Smoking
  • Periodontal disease
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Type A personality
  • Previous heart attack or procedure to open up coronary arteries
  • Family history of early heart disease (father or brother before age 55, mother or sister before age 65)
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Uncontrolled sleep apnea
  • Inflammation


Functional medicine lab tests provide further evaluation

Whether you have some of the above risk factors or not, having a functional medicine laboratory test done to evaluate cardiovascular risk markers is a proactive and healthy choice. By looking at metabolic markers (markers that measure blood sugar), inflammatory markers, lipid levels (cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides), along with size patterning of LDL and HDL, you can assess and modify things that are not otherwise acknowledged. Having these tests can help determine which nutrients are best for you, individually, to reduce cardiovascular risk and improve your heart health.

Want to learn more about heart health?

If you are interested in learning more about labs that can be done as well as lifestyle changes  and nutrients that can be beneficial to improve heart health, consider coming to this month’s WellnesSeries class on heart health.

If you would like to learn more about my services, contact me for an appointment. I will make recommendations that are individualized to your needs based on your health concerns and family health history.